Tuesday 9 October 2012

New Priest to Serve UK Missions


On the 5th of October, 2012, being the 22nd of September by the Church calendar, Deacon Thomas Cook was ordained to the priesthood to serve the Western Rite missions of ROCOR in the UK.

The ordination took place in the church of St Ambrose of Milan in New York, at the hands of His Grace Bishop Jerome of Manhattan, the Episcopal Vicar for ROCOR's Western Rite Vicariate.

Fr Thomas will be rector of St Edmund the Martyr Orthodox Church in Nottingham. He is the first Western Rite priest to be ordained within ROCOR to serve in England.  Fr Thomas is married to Matushka Jane and they have two children.  He has been Orthodox for six years and had previously belonged to a parish of the Diocese of Sourozh.  He holds a B.A. with Honours from King's College, University of London, and a Diploma in Orthodox Christian Studies from the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge.

May God grant the newly-ordained Priest Thomas many years!