Thursday 3 September 2009

Relics of St Elisabeth to Visit the Diocese


 It is with great joy that we announce that the relics of the Holy New-Martyrs Elisabeth and Barbara are to visit Great Britain and Ireland.  His Grace Archbishop Mark of Great Britain plans to bring the relics with him when he visits the diocese at the end of this month, and they are to remain here until the feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God on the 15th (28th) of August.  This means that the relics will be here for St Elisabeth's feast, which falls on the 5th (18th) of July.
Vladyka Mark is also the Overseer of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in the Holy Land, which includes the Convent of St Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane, where St Elisabeth's relics usually rest and where they are venerated by pilgrimags from around the world.  However, for two months, they will tour some of the parishes and communities of our Diocese of Great Britain and Ireland as well as our sister Diocese of Sourozh. The exact details have not yet been decided upon but the itnerary will be published here as soon as it is finalised.  Please check soon for further details.
St Elisabeth has a place in the hearts of many people from around the world and for various reasons.  Some see in her an example of the love and steadfastness of the Christian faith of the Russian people in the most difficult of times under the godless authority, and they see hope for the restoration of the Faith in those lands that suffered terribly under communist persecution.  Others see in her the Christ-centred love for the unfortunate of this world.  The sick, the poor, the destitute, the outcast and the stranger - all people whom the world too easily forgets - were the receipients of St Elisabeth's love and care throughout her life.  Yet others see in the life of St Elisabeth the humility that each of us must adopt if we are to conform our will to the will of Christ.  While little is known of the earthly life of St Barbara, we do know of her faithfulness to Christ in joining in St Elisabeth's work, even to the point of death.
Whatever draws us to love these Saints of the Church and friends of God, we in the British Isles now have the opportunity to venerate their grace-streaming relics and to seek their intercession in these islands where so many of the holy ones of God have shone forth like beacons, living the same faith as Ss Elisabeth and Barbara.  For those who are yet unfamiliar with St Elisabeth, a humble account of her life may be found here.
In that meekness, humility, and love,/
which made their abode in thy soul, /
thou didst diligently minister to the suffering, /
O holy Passion-bearer Princess Elisabeth; /
and with faith didst endure suffering and death for Christ /
with the Martyr Barbara. /
With her do thou pray for all that honour thee with love!
- Troparion, Tone 2.